The sudden attack of Covid-19 has made the whole world come to a standstill. It is impossible to keep the activities of various offices and other organizations postponed for a long time, though everyone stays at home to protect themselves from the epidemic; so corporate organizations have started their services online through remote working. However, the increase of remote work has enhanced the unseen threat in the digital space. Threat actors are trying to deploy cyber-attack using the personal and public Wi-Fi network of the potential victims. So online safety & cybersecurity is now the most important issue for remote workers. Corporations have raised many concerns about the security of official and personal information, confidential information sharing due to remote working.
The year 2019 saw many types of cyber-attacks starting from Ransomware Attack, Supply Chain Attacks to American Medical Collection Agency Breach. These attacks have proved that hackers are becoming smarter day-by-day, which makes cyber security a serious issue for both individuals and organizations.
In 2020, we predict, several types of similar attacks apart from many new techniques of intrusion. Here, we have mentioned about 5 types of security threats which is expected to show up in the year 2020.