Ways to Quickly Spot Spoofing or Phishing Emails

Phishing emails are designed by the hackers to look like a legitimate one and direct the user to visit such websites where they ask for sensitive credentials such as username, password, account details, etc.

How to Recover From a Cyber Attack? Solution for Enterprises

Cyber-attack is not limited to individual internet users but nowadays even companies need to bear the brunt of security intrusions. Results of these attacks can be fatal ranging from data loss of their customers to financial damage. In the event of a security breach, you should know how to recover from a cyber attack.

Email Security- Think before Downloading Any Attachment

Almost more than two decades back, email entered the online world and revolutionized the communication industry. Sending personal or professional messages to someone miles away became a few seconds task for online users. However, with time and technology, this mode of communication became vulnerable to threats which led to the increasing concern for email security.

Data Backup – 5 Effective Ways to Store Your Data Safely

Online Theft, Hacking and various other malicious acts have been seen to knock down strongest of the security systems. As per Gartner, only 6% of the companies survive for two years after losing data. With computer systems and information being so vulnerable to online threats, it is now a necessity to keep a backup of your data using effective mediums.

Know your Vulnerabilities

The online hacking industry has gone creative and nasty in its ways to make attacks and take advantage of vulnerabilities. With this, the rising rate of cybercrime is a growing concern for many in the market. SMBs, also known as Small to Medium Businesses, are one category who need to think and implement about having strong cyber security tactics in order to prevent data loss.
