Malware Check : How to Know If Your PC has Got A Virus?

“Viruses don’t just happen; people write them deliberately.” ― Peter H. Gregory The world is becoming more and more dependent on the online environment. With this, cyber-criminals are taking advantage of our computer systems as every now and then, thousands of bugs throng the Web. Thus, sharing few common malware […]

IT Cyber Security Checklist: Protect your Business from Cyber Extortion

“Dear User,” – This is how a data breach message usually begins. The next few lines are a little difficult to understand but the overall message boils down to one thing – your data has been stolen. As per the research, it has been found that organizations stand to lose […]

Monitor Remote Workers – How Remote Employees Pose Security Risk to Companies?

Remote workers are a trend these days because of the numerous benefits to both employee and employer. The employee gets the freedom to work from any corner of the world without having the need to visit a physical office. On the other hand, the employer need not invest in the […]

How to Make your Employees Follow Cyber Security Guidelines ?

Data breaches are mostly occurred due to human errors but this fact has been overlooked by organisations while making their cyber security assessment. Although removing human errors completely is not possible but it can be reduced to a great extent by implementing an effective cyber security policy for your employees.

Know your Vulnerabilities

The online hacking industry has gone creative and nasty in its ways to make attacks and take advantage of vulnerabilities. With this, the rising rate of cybercrime is a growing concern for many in the market. SMBs, also known as Small to Medium Businesses, are one category who need to think and implement about having strong cyber security tactics in order to prevent data loss.
